I posted my last post a few days before April was over and I probably shouldn't have because a lot happened the last few days! But it's been so busy in those days plus the first 9 days of May I'm going to do a mid-month post to avoid forgetting anything and making it too long.
This picture was taken the same day I posted on the last post. He's found the dog door. I think I'm safe though... he could fit through it now but he doesn't know how to get himself there and I think when he figures that out he'll be too big. He'll probably prove me wrong but we'll see.
Adam and I decided to start a weight loss challenge among ourselves at work. I realize how bad an idea this is with all the stuff I have planned and to try and not eat out but it's been good motivation for a few things. This was me taking the stairs at work one day (down not up.. I know, I know).
This is the good effect of the challenge. I've been getting up and running in the mornings again. Not every morning but more than I was. I'm determined to not extend my distance until I'm happy with my mile and half loop I have right now. I've seen some good improvements to my time already and I feel better. It's not easy getting up before 5 am but it feels good getting some fresh air and I am really starting to love running outdoors where I didn't like that before. I have to do a lot more planning the night before to get all my stuff together for running and for work.
When I first found out Kenny Chesney was going to be here I told Lacey and Sabrina they should come down and go. The three of us went at least 4 years in a row (I think it was 5 years) and then he didn't come for a while and/or we couldn't make it happen. I didn't think it would happen and Stephanie and I planned to go anyways. Then Lacey text me a few weeks ago and told me she might be able to come. I didn't hear much for a few more weeks and then heard from her again the it was most likely going to happen. The concert was a Wednesday and I took Wednesday and Thursday off. I went to the eye doctor Wednesday morning and then met up with Lacey, David, and his parents for breakfast at Crackers. It was so good to see her (and David) again and catch up! After breakfast we had some time so we came out to Top Golf. It was so nice and we enjoyed just hanging out and playing some games.
They headed out to the concert early and I picked up Stephanie and headed out a little later. We thought we left early enough to get out there and get some food but traffic was awful. So once we were there we decide we'd rather miss the opening acts and get some decent food than eat arena food. Stephanie and I were wandering West Gate when we found Crave. Crave is a waffle sandwich place. Needless to say you had us at waffle. It was pretty good. We'd definitely split a sandwich in the future.
Across the street from Crave was Fractured Prune. Stephanie had heard about them and so we decided we needed to try that as well. They make the donuts fresh and then top them however you choose. We decided to get two different kinds and share. I think we've been having withdrawals since then and it's just a matter of time until we have some more.
We finally made it into the concert. We missed the first act. We learned to pay more for better seats but we still had fun. We met up with Lacey and her group and then Flora and Tim that I work with and it was fun to visit with everyone for a minute.
On Thursday morning I let John take JJ to daycare for the morning and I caught up on a little sleep. I picked him up at 11 so Lacey could meet him. The rest of the day I think JJ and I just hung out. He's getting around the house more and I found him in his room hanging out and then in the laundry room.
John was going to Vegas for a work thing Friday through Sunday. I don't know why but I was nervous to be home by myself with JJ for the weekend. Friday I actually went out with Flora, Tim, Adam, Amanda, Lars, and Erica to Top Golf and tried out a babysitter for the first time. I'd gotten a few names from Heather of girls in the ward but they are all 14 and I decided I just wasn't comfortable with a 14 year old with a 7 month old. So I went back to my trusty Care.com. That is where we found Laura and we love her so I went looking there for a babysitter. John and I have been talking about a babysitter for a while and wanting to get a few we are comfortable with so we can call them when we need to. I was really happy with the girl I got.
When I got home after a fun night with friends I was pleasantly surprised to see she'd cleaned up! Like dusted and stuff. I was impressed. And JJ survived and was sleeping soundly. Saturday morning I heard him cry but it was really early and I let him go. I remember thinking the next time I hear him I'll go get him and the next time I heard him it was 6:45. That is way sleeping in for him. I was really excited. We went for a run and then later that day headed to JJ's swim lesson. I recruited Aunt Stephanie to help with swim lesson. After swim lesson we went to Paradise for lunch.
We came back to the house to put Bug down and started our shirt craft project we've been trying to do for about a month. It definitely wasn't as easy as it looked in the video.
I was sitting in the living room Saturday night after Bug was down and all the sudden we got this crazy wind and rain storm. It was blowing really hard and of course, because I was alone I got a little freaked out. It was blowing so hard that it blew one of the bedroom doors closed when I had no windows or doors open to let the draft come through.
Sunday John got home around 2. I think he was excited to see Bug. Monday I had to get more serious about my astronaut diet. Shar hooked me up with some Medifast food and then Lars gave me some more. It's not bad. I like it better than Nutrisystem. I call it my astronaut food because everything is powder basically. Let's face it; it's not amazing but it's not bad. I have lost some weight, but not a lot. I have to keep going though so I can hopefully win that bet with Adam.
I also got to pick up my glasses! I was torn between getting new frames or not. I needed new contacts and when the eye dr told me that the insurance company had to cover my year supply of lenses for $20 I decided to take the money I thought I'd spend on lenses and get glasses. I can't help it that the only pair of frames I liked were Tiffany frames. Thankfully the dr gave me a 20% discount on the frames.
Maybe I should have titled this post Top Golf because we made plans to go to Top Golf with Stephanie, Bart, Nick, and Shar on Thursday. We decided to try a second babysitter. I also found her on Care.com and I liked her also. So I feel like we have at least 2 good babysitters in our pocket. Right before we left John brought a box in and I was surprised to receive a gift basket from Cheryl! It had a cookie, some lotion, bath salts, spritz, etc. and a card for my first Mother's Day. How nice of her to do that!!
Top Golf wasn't busy and it's been such nice weather we had a good time. It might be our new favorite thing to do.
The other day on the way home from work Nick and I were behind this guy in the carpool lane. There is a dog in that sidecar and he's wearing goggles. It was pretty funny.
Saturday I received another delivery. These flowers showed up from John's parents for Mother's Day. Another nice gift and sweet gesture. We had to help Stephanie and Bart pick up some furniture on Saturday so we had pizza and hung out for a little bit at their house. Bug had a hard time because he was so tired. Aunt Stephanie and Bug gave me this Origami Owl bracelet for Mother's day. I love it. All the charms have a personal meaning and I just love it. Brad, our home teacher, and Heather each dropped off some candy for me on Mother's day also and I appreciate that. Who doesn't love some chocolate.