After John got home we went to grab some food and saw this Hello Kitty car. This car was all out; I had to take a picture. There was a family having a birthday party at the table next to us and when they left they didn't take their balloon bouquet. I asked the bus boys if JJ could have one of the balloons and they cut it off for him. He was a happy boy. (Maybe not so much in this picture but he was).
Those two pictures are random because a lot of times I see that picture of Nick in JJ. The picture of my messy living room is because one night after we put him to bed I was sitting looking at the mess and I just smiled because I know it looks that way because JJ was there playing and having fun. I live for him to be happy.
It's FINALLY cooled off. It does seem like it was a really long summer. I like having the doors open when we can. This little boy surprisingly hasn't started walking. He doesn't seem to have much desire either. He has started crawling versus army crawling more and he can climb on the couch and walk around the furniture. I think he knows that when he starts walking I'm going to make him wear shoes.
It's even been almost cold some mornings out running. I seem to be fighting shin splints or a hyper-extended knee or something. So I have cut back on some of my running. I've wanted to do a road race with bikes for a while and Nick, Shar, John, and I all went and looked at bikes on Saturday. I digress, I got home from a run the other morning and it was so bright and clear I could clearly see Venus and Jupiter! We had another garage sale one Saturday. It wasn't a huge one and we didn't make a ton of money but we got rid of some stuff.
He still has crazy hair. I've been trying to comb it more so it doesn't just stand on end. It doesn't usually last long. He's also started climbing into his wagon. He's a very busy little guy.
We did another Escape the Room night. We got John and I, Stephanie and Bart, Nick and Shar, Lars and Erica, and Tim and Flora. We had the whole room to ourselves and we did The Dig. I'm happy to say that this time we escaped. We also escaped in a really fast time. We did it in about 42 minutes. After we walked down to the Sugar Bowl and had some dessert. As always it was a really good time.
I had a bunch of cute Halloween clothes but it's been too hot for him to wear. I finally said screw it and just started putting him in stuff. We took a few minutes one night to paint his pumpkin. Literally it took a few minutes. It took longer to wash him off afterwards than it did to get some paint on the pumpkin, but I love it anyways.
Stephanie had found a Happy Halloween/Merry Christmas block decoration. I thought that my friend Heather may be able to do this for us and she said she could. So we found a Friday night to go over and make them! It's a time consuming craft! We were there from about 8 to 130 in the morning. Sorry, Heather but thank you!! We are still looking for some Nightmare Before Christmas stickers to add to it, but they are good for now.
Add to that late night the next night we had tickets to Garth Brooks. I wasn't sure how it would be since he's getting a little older but bucket list I wanted to see him at least once. We didn't have amazing tickets but I didn't care. I think we all agree that it was overall one of the best concerts we've ever been too. We were around a group of people who were a lot of fun and so we were able to enjoy talking to them and they entertained us quite a bit. We won't go into all the details about after the concert, but we can say that we kept it interesting!
The next morning we went to breakfast. I haven't had two late nights like that in a long time and I paid for it. I was so exhausted after. I took as many naps as JJ would let me. He did think that he could drink some spaghetti o's that afternoon. It was pretty funny.
Sunday night we went to dinner at Liberty Market. JJ loved it because he got to have mac-n-cheese and sit outside. After dinner we let him feel the big ball and the water there by the restaurant. There was an awesome sunset that night as well.
That almost finishes up the month but there were a few more important things. Well, these aren't important but JJ decided to try and eat a leaf and it just got stuck to his chin. Silly boy. He has also found the box of tampons under the sink. I don't complain because it gives me 2 minutes to go to the bathroom when we get home and he's not trying to play in the toilet while I'm using it. But he thinks they are great toys. In fact, the other night he had to take 3 of them with us to pick up the babysitter. We had a babysitter because we went to dinner at The Keg for John's birthday on the 29th. Brad brought us milkshakes the night before for John's birthday. They were so good. I tried to get John to get me one tonight, but he wouldn't.
Nick and Shar and Stephanie and Bart came to dinner too. It was yummy as always and we all had a pretty good time with the raw horseradish.
I know JJ's daycare doesn't like it when I dress him in pants, but I had to for his Halloween outfit! Little pumpkin butt was so cute. He wasn't in this when I picked him up. He's been trying to take a girl's bottle at daycare this week. I've got him cut to 2 bottles a day but he pretty much refuses to drink milk from a sippy. I guess we'll give him some more time.
Last is today; Halloween! We had to run the car to the dealership this morning for service and we spent most the rest of today just being lazy. Bug had on another one of his Halloween outfits.
I knew we weren't going to have a lot of luck with his Halloween costume but we got even less time than I expected. But I love the pictures anyways. I had to bride him with a sucker that was covered in 'lion hair'.
After the very quick photo shoot we went outside to pass out candy. Bug was loving it. We went and visited the neighbors who are back from Canada. I'm not gonna lie I gave JJ to her and left. Just for a minute to go get my drink so we could visit some more, but she took him right inside to get some toys. We have had some sparklers since the 4th of July that I've been wanting to set off for Boo, so tonight we stuck them in the grass and lit them. I don't know that he cared one way or the other. The last picture is my poor baby's feet. He took off crawling down the sidewalk. He made it about 3 houses down and he was headed further but I grabbed him to head home. When I picked him up I couldn't believe he's worn sores on the tops of his feet! I felt awful.
That sums up our month of October. I think November is going to be pretty busy as well. Got some things I am really looking forward too!