Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life Won't Wait by Ozzy Osbourne

That's my song of the week.

I haven't posted in a while as it's been not the best few weeks and been pretty busy. John has been working alot with their Rocktoberfest. Sales have been slow and that's not good. But nothing we can do about it I guess.

I am just about done with this class and I've decided that the instructor is absolutely not reading a damn bit of my work. Which may be why I'm enjoying the class so much. After this class 10 more!!

We have a busy week coming up. We have tickets to Beauty and the Beast Friday night, that I'm really excited about. I haven't seen it since American Heritage tour in .....9th grade? 8th grade? 7th grade? Mom, help here?

Then we're doing the Tempe bike thingy. All I know is it's 12 miles and we haven't rode in awhile. After it we're going to go to the State fair and gorge ourselves on all the fried food.

On another note, I need John's paystubs, which have been held hostage since he left Tri-City. So since Dave was all "buddy buddy" I figured, I could act back and just tell him I was coming to pick them up. He told me that we can't have them until John pays his "bill". There is no bill to pay, he's such a jackass and so full of crap. So, I emailed the labor board and here is their response:
  • The only reference in the Arizona State wage payment statute that pertains to paystubs is found in ARS 23-351(D) attached for your reference where it states, “When an employee’s wages are paid by deposit in a financial institution he shall be furnished with a statement of his earnings and withholdings.”  There is no other requirement in the statute to provide such statement if the wages are not paid by deposit in a financial institution.
Well, since we were getting direct deposit, I take that to mean he HAS to give us the paystubs. So I told him that he can't keep them from us and if I have to involve an attorney to get them, I will go after him for the costs involved. He said he'll send them to me tomorrow, so we'll see.  


    1. How am I just now realizing you have a blog?! So fun to catch up!

    2. I haven't been at it too long. Jena inspired me. Love the pics of Lincoln, he's super cute!
