Monday, August 13, 2012

Just wrong

So at Sunrise you can pay to ride the lift up and they'll haul your bike also and then you can ride, hurl, walk, fall, etc. down the mountain. Bart was all over this like Australians on shrimp ;-)

There were a few people who had apparently hit their heads too hard and told us that we would be ok taking our cruisers on it. I quote "If you make it half way you'll be fine". The question is, how do we get down the first half??! We decided we would just ride up and scope things out without the bikes first.
Going up (have I said that I hate lifts? Up, down, snow, no snow. Hate them.

Luke, I am your father
It was a gorgeous view from the top and the weather was nice. We hooked Bart up with a nice biker dude who said he'd sort of ride down with him and we sent him to his death, I mean on his way. We hung out up top a while longer and then decided to head down. We didn't want to get stuck on top of the mountain if there was lightning.
Great, I got that “excited/scared” feeling. Like 98% excited, 2% scared. Or maybe it’s more – It could be two – it could be 98% scared, 2% excited but that’s what makes it so intense

Guarding the bike!

Headed down (still hating it)
While we were headed down we passed Bart on his way back up. We decided to go wait at the 'lodge' for him (you can't really call it that. Think Pomerielle Idaho people). So 20, 30, 40 minutes pass and we're starting to wonder where he is. We came up with 3 options. 1. He came down and went back up without us seeing him 2. He wrecked (this was my option, not nice I know) 3. Someone else wrecked and he was helping them. Well, shortly after we spotted him....walking down the hill. Blown tire. Boo. Biking adventure over.

No, he said he had a lot of fun, he would do it again, and he thought we could all handle it with mountain bikes.

So from there we headed home. We knew we were going to need to stop and eat. That was a great idea, however, apparently every place not McDonalds closes at 2 pm on a Saturday in Show Low. Stupid! So by the time we settled on Pizza Hut there was a group of hangry people.

After food, we headed home. It was nice to actually see the scenery that we missed on the way up.

This last picture is the lovely dust storm we drove home to in the valley. Such a change from the nice mountain air we'd enjoyed all weekend.

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