Friday, October 19, 2012


I already posted part of what we did in August with our trip to Greer, but there were a few more random things.

There are only two things I can really remember and I'm not sure which occurred first.

One weekend we met Bart, Stephanie, Maureen, and her son for As You Wish. We ended up going downtown to the Diamondback game. But we didn't get there till the game was already over. But we were really there for the concert (or so I'm told). It was Roger Cline and the Peacemakers or something like that. It may have been Roger Clyne and the Pacemakers.... I'm not sure.
All I know is that we had more fun riding around in the car than anything else.
This is the platter I painted. :-)

The other August event was I was at the Dr's. Now that certainly isn't new, but I was in the bathroom and something moved and scared the crap out of me. I got to look a little closer and it was this little guy.

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