Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bucket List

I don't know if I mentioned this before but we (the crew, Stephanie, Bart, John, and I) made bucket lists a few months ago. Well, really, we went searching for Trapper Keepers. If anyone knows where we can get the good Trapper Keepers let me know. So we found Trapper Keeper folders and made our Bucket List folder.
 (and I wonder sometimes why I feel like a kid with a credit card and no supervision.....)

Anyways, so of course, skydiving was on the list. CHECK!
Next on the list that should be crossed off .... we are training for a 1/2 marathon in January. Yep, 13.1 miles. I think I started the whole challenge and it's gotten a little away from me. So we'll keep our fingers crossed that we actually do it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


 We finally got our skydiving scheduled about two weeks ago. We have been wanting to do this since we did the indoor skydiving in May. I have to say that it was the best experience ever. I kept waiting for the nerves to set in and have the freak out moment but it never came.
 This was on the tram taking us to the airplane. It's about a 15 minute plane ride to 13000 feet. We each had our tandem person (Joe for me, Jared for John, Pat for Stephanie, and Aaron for Bart). Then we had a photographer also. My photographer was Keith, I don't remember anybody else's. I know Joe was awesome about telling me what was going on and what we were going to do. Once we got to 13000 feet people start bailing out! It's about a 1 minute freefall from 13000 feet to 5000. Then you parachute the rest the way and that takes about 4 minutes.
 I was surprised because when the parachute comes out there wasn't a much of a pull as I expected. Joe let me "drive". We went full speed, stopped, turned left and right.
 The landing was perfect. Basically I stood on Joe's feet and kicked up my legs when he said and then stood up when he told me to. We didn't even end up with any grass stains on our butts.
 It is definitely addicting and it's hard to describe the feeling. I would say that having done the indoor wind tunnel was a good starter to skydiving. I never had the feeling of falling and I want to do it again as soon as possible!! For surviving our fall we had a celebratory dinner at LoLo's! Chicken and waffles with some red Kool-Aid. Best day ever!