Thursday, February 5, 2015


January is already over. It went by very quickly for not a lot happening. I'll try to recap the highs and lows though.

First, this is a picture of BrookLynn and JJ on their blessing/baptism day and then on my birthday when Shar watched JJ. This just shows a little how much he grew in less than 2 months.

 In keeping with our new year's resolution to wear less onesies this was one outfit Bug wore. I think the worst part is the socks. I don't know if I have the wrong size socks or he has giant feet or what but they never seem to stay on.

The weekend after my birthday we went to Sophie's blessing. It was fun to see all the family that was there to support Nathan and Erica and Sophie. I didn't get a lot of pictures but a few. JJ did really well during sacrament and slept through pretty much all of the meeting I think. After we took a few pictures outside and then went to Nathan and Erica's for a brunch.

 JJ had a cute outfit on for the blessing but we changed him right after. He wasn't a fan of the button up shirt and if I remember right he peed on his pants.

 Aunt Annette got to hold JJ so we could make JJ's grandma jealous. I think it worked.

 This picture shows just one night of many that I spent on the phone with Qwest during January. It's a long drawn out story but basically NEVER use them for anything.

This little Bug hit 4 months in January. He's definitely changed so much. I don't even see the baby he was when he was born. Either way though he's still so cute.

 Some of his faces just kill me. So expressive with his eyes and eyebrows.

So one weekend in January was my birthday, one was Sophie's blessing, and then the next was spent at the Urgent Care. JJ had gotten over his sickness from December but it came back with a venegence. We finally took him to Urgent Care on Saturday. Its an Urgent Care through PCH (Phoenix Children's Hospital) so they specialize more in pediatrics. The doctor wanted to do a breathing treatment to see if it was croup or RSV. I think they decided croup. But he was running a fever and coughing with a lot of congestion and chest rattling. He is not a fan of the breathing treatment.

 Amazingly, this picture was taken the evening after the Urgent Care. He's still a cutie even when he doesn't feel good. John and I were trying to have a date night but that got cancelled to deal with sick baby.

I had MKL day off work and planned to spend the day doing another batch of freezer meals. Last minute, Nick asked if I wanted to do a round of 9 holes with him and Ashton so I did. I haven't golfed in probably 5 years. It was so nice to be outside though and do something that isn't laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. It was Ashton's first time on a course instead of just the range. He did pretty good but once he got to drive the cart that was a lot more fun than golfing I think.

 He hit his ball right into a gaggle of geese and it was so funny watching him go out there as they were pretty big. They didn't even care that he was there.

After golfing I came home to make the freezer meals. I thought I'd planned ahead getting all the ingredients but I had to make 2 or 3 runs to the grocery store which sucked honestly. Below is my kitchen while I was laying out all the stuff to get them made. I think I ended up with at least 10 meals. I try to make them bigger so we have leftovers for lunches.

 On Tuesday after MLK we had JJ's 4 month appointment which worked as a great follow up to his Urgent Care visit. I decided to make him a big boy and wear a 3 piece outfit. That didn't last long. But I did get a few pictures of him in it. For his 4 month mark he was 13 lbs 12 oz. which is the 13%, 25 1/2 inches tall which is 59%, and 16 1/2 inches head circumference which is 53%. The doctor said his lungs sounded fine and everything else looked good so he got 4 awful shots. the next day the shots took their effect and baby was running a fever. I called out because I was afraid daycare wouldn't take him and spent the day with him. He just overall didn't feel very good. He took a few naps with mom holding him which I didn't mind because I don't get to cuddle him enough.

 Then the last weekend of January. We didn't do anything. Literally I don't think I left the house but maybe twice. Once to walk to Wal-greens because I was going stir crazy and once to go to the grocery store for a few things. When we walked to Walgreens Uncle Nick went with us. I put JJ in his bowtie outfit because I wanted to see how it fit since the last time he wore it at Juan's wedding. It definitely fits differently than in October! Bug and I also picked lemons off the tree that day.

 We had several first that weekend. One is that mom let him take a nap on his tummy. Of course, the doctors say not to do this, but then it seems everyone else says to let them do it because they'll sleep better. I don't mind so much letting him nap that way because I am up to check on him but I'm not comfortable enough letting him do that at night yet. Once he starts rolling then maybe. He actually took a really good nap so I might be persuaded to do it more often.

 I tried the baked/fried rice recipe from my last post that weekend too. We'd had the ham earlier in the week so I wanted to use the leftovers before they were bad. The finished product picture is below.

That same weekend we let Bug have some cereal from a bowl. The pediatrician says between 4 and 5 months we can start rice cereal so we did. He wasn't sure at first but he loves it! I think the only thing he would like better is if we poured the cereal in his mouth to get it in there faster.

We've also moved Bug from his sink bathtub to the big bathtub. He loves bath time and kicking and splashing.

I can't remember what morning we got to see this sunrise, but I guess that is one of the perks of a newborn who is trained to get up early.

 Then the last few joyous days of the month. This actually carries into February but I'll put it here. It was a Wednesday and started to feel like I was getting pink eye. By Thursday I knew for sure I had it. I went to the Urgent Care Thursday after work and the first picture below is my eye then. They gave me some drops and I went on my way. Friday when I woke up for work I told John my eye was stuck shut. I went to work anyways. The bottom picture is me on Saturday morning. Obviously not getting better. It's now 2/5 and the swelling is mostly gone as is the redness but not entirely. I'm still on drops from the 2nd doctor trip to the ophthalmologist.

These last two pictures of Bug got tagged on the bottom but it's just my cutie in the bath and then his outfit for Sophie's blessing. He looked like such a little boy in the button up and khakis.