Saturday, May 25, 2013

And then?

I looked back over my last post and tried to remember what happened from 4/20 to 5/10. I can only come up with one thing! After a check of my bank account I guess I can give a quick accounting of what happened.

I believe the weekend after Pat's Run we got the dogs groomed. We dropped them off and then met Stephanie at US Egg for breakfast!

After that we ran a few errands and then Stephanie decided to kidnap me and do some last minute cruise shopping. About 6 hours later we met the boys for dinner. We hit Chandler Fashion pretty good and hard!

The following weekend we started to cut down the tree on the side of the house. It's leaning and is right on the fence, etc. It's about 20 feet tall or so though. We only got it partly done before we decided our garbage pile was big enough and we needed to finish the rest the following month. Then we pampered ourselves a little and get pedicures before the cruise.

There were some other boring things like checking out a new gym and going to Nando's for Cinco de Mayo.

The last thing before our big cruise was that Cassadee Pope came to Tempe and did a free concert. I love the Voice and I loved Cassadee from the very beginning. So even though it was a Wednesday night I dragged Stephanie and John out there. It was a short concert but it was good and I'm looking forward to her new music.

I got a little bit recorded. There as some background noise because we were at San Felipe's eating some dinner.

 It don't let me load the video and I don't know why but here are the links.