Saturday, October 20, 2012

October so far...

October really started where September left off. We had our garage sale. It went really well. Then we found out the community was having one two weeks later, so whatever we didn't sell we just hauled in and then hauled it back out two weeks later.

On October 1st tickets for the last Twilight movie went on sale. So excited for this!!
That's right, we're doing it in style this year. We are going to one of the theaters in Scottsdale for the whole marathon. There are assigned seats, recliners, pillows, blankets, waiters.... it's going to be the best day ever. November 15th can't come soon enough!!

I also had to take Joey to the vet. I think this is a conspiracy. I have to pay the county for his license. But I can't get the license without the rabies. So I have to take him to the vet, which of course costs me a bunch of money. And THEN the vet decides to tell me that Joey is developing a heart murmur. Definitely not what I wanted to hear.

Nick's birthday was the 3rd. I found out Shar had to work, so John and I took Nick and the kids to Frost to celebrate. Frost is amazing and acceptable at any time day or night.

**CORRECTION** Stephanie was at Frost also. We couldn't have Frost without her. 

That first weekend we did Tour de Fat. It's a bike ride in Tempe. It's only like 3 miles and everyone dresses up and it's just crazy fun.

I love that it's cooling down and more bike weather.

Also, I happened to be cruising Twitter on night and saw something exciting. That one little tweet has resulted in this:
You have no idea how excited I am about it! Ever since I saw Chris Mann on The Voice I wanted to see him in person. So to find out he was going to be in Idaho Falls, when I have not heard of him coming to Phoenix I knew I needed to go. So that is where I will be next weekend!!!

Last, before I finish for a while. We had a fun little weekend excursion up to Nordstroms in Scottsdale. We decided since we were up there we should go to Lolo's because it's delicious. I think we may have overdone it a little.

No wonder we're so tired!!


  1. You need to make a correction. I was also there for Nick's birthday at Frost. Am I so easily forgotten?!!?!? :-P
